Partner API Introduction
The Partner API allows support for sub-merchant accounts, connected to a parent Merchant account.
If your business is a software platform that has multiple business customers that require specific or unique settings for each, such as white-label branding in your customer’s brand, or US tax form settings, etc, our Partner API may be suitable to use to achieve this.
Create Sub-merchant
This endpoint is for creating a new sub-merchant. The new sub-merchant is bound to the parent merchant used to create it. This endpoint requires that the Partner API (Sub-merchant feature) be enabled for your merchant account. Contact support for more information.
// required data:
merchant: {
name: string; // Sub-merchants business name
currency: string; // 3 letter currency code in ISO 4217
// also required
onboarding: {
businessWebsite: string;
businessLegalName: string;
businessCategory: string;
businessCountry: string; // 2 letter country ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
businessCity: string;
businessAddress: string;
businessZip: string; // optional if country has postal code
businessRegion: string; // state or province - ideally 2 letter code
businessTotalMonthly: string; // Expected total value of payouts per month in USD (e.g. "10000" or "500000" etc)
businessPpm: string; // Expected number of payouts per month; (e.g. "15000" or "520000" etc).
businessIntlPercentage: string; // The percentage (%) of payment volume that will be sent internationally; (e.g. "15" or "52" etc).
Response (200 Ok)
ok: boolean;
merchant: {
id: string;
accessKey: string;
secretKey: string;
This endpoint will return a sub-merchant id (alphanumeric guid) and an API key. The API key is important if you’re going to access the sub-merchant programmatically as this is the only time you will be able to get it - so make sure you store it in the right place.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/profile/submerchant
Fields | Description |
---|---| required string |
Name of the sub-merchant | required string |
Website URL | required string |
2 letter country code in ISO 3166-1 |
merchant.currency required string |
3 letter currency code in ISO 4217 |
onboarding.businessLegalName required string |
Legal name of the sub-merchant |
onboarding.businessPhone required string |
Phone number |
onboarding.businessWebsite required string |
Website URL |
onboarding.businessCategory required string |
The category of the business. Expected one of the allowed values, as defined below. |
onboarding.businessCountry required string |
2 letter country code in ISO-3166-1 |
onboarding.businessCity required string |
City of the sub-merchant |
onboarding.businessAddress required string |
Name of the sub-merchant |
onboarding.businessZip required string |
Postal code for the sub-merchant |
onboarding.businessRegion required string |
Region of the sub-merchant (e.g. state/province) |
onboarding.businessTotalMonthly required string |
Expected total value of payouts per month in USD (e.g. “10000” or “500000” etc). |
onboarding.businessPpm required string |
Expected number of payouts per month; (e.g. “15000” or “520000” etc). |
onboarding.businessIntlPercentage required string |
The percentage (%) of payment volume that will be sent internationally; (e.g. “15” or “52” etc). |
If any of the required “onboarding” fields are missing then onboarding will not be complete.
Following are more details about accepted parameters for some of the required attributes as defined above.
Allowed Values for Business Category
Category | Allowed Value |
Online Market | online_market |
App Store | app_store |
Affiliate Platform | affiliate_platform |
Ad Network | ad_network |
Crowd Funding | crowdfunding |
Crowd Sourcing | crowdsourcing |
Share Economy | share_economy |
E-Commerce | e-commerce |
Charity | charity |
Surveys | surveys |
Rebates | rebates |
Startup | startup |
Publishing | publishing |
Entertainment | entertainment |
Travel | travel |
Education | education |
Manufacturing | manufacturing |
Business Service | business_service |
Influencer Platform | influencer_platform |
Online Gambling | online_gambling |
Adult Entertainment | adult_entertainment |
Multi Level Marketing | multi_level_marketing |
Firearms | firearms |
Money Transmitter Service | money_transmitter_service |
Credit Card Processing | credit_card_processing |
Other | other |
This endpoint will return a sub-merchant id (alphanumeric guid) and an API key. The API key is important if you’re going to access the sub-merchant programmatically as this is the only time you will be able to get it - so make sure you store it in the right place.
HTTP Code | Description |
200 | Submerchant successfully created |
401 | Invalid API key |
404 | Recipient not found |
500 | Internal error |
This table lists the expected errors that this method could return.
However, other errors can be returned in the case where the service
is down or other unexpected factors affect processing. Callers
should always check the value of the ok
params in the response.
Error Code | Description |
not_found | Object doesn’t exist |
invalid_api_key | Invalid API key |
internal_server_error | Internal server errors |
Modify Onboarding Information
With a sub-merchant’s key, you can modify onboarding information for an existing sub-merchant. You need to be using the sub-merchant’s key.
POST /v1/onboarding/update
businessTotalMonthly?: string; // should be a number of USD (eg: "10000" or "500000" etc..)
businessPpm?: "less-10"| "10-50"| "50-100"| "100-500"| "500-1000"| "1000-10000"| "10000-100000"| "100000-more"; // ie: pick of these values
Response (200 Ok)
ok: boolean;
Fields | Description |
businessTotalMonthly optional string |
Expected total value of payouts per month in USD (e.g. “10000” or “500000” etc), expressed as a JSON string |
businessPpm optional string |
Number of expected payments per month. One of these values: “less-10”, “10-50”, “50-100”, “100-500”, “500-1000”, “1000-10000”, “10000-100000”, “100000-more” |
HTTP Code | Description |
200 | Submerchant successfully created |
401 | Invalid API key |
404 | Recipient not found |
500 | Internal error |
This table lists the expected errors that this method could return.
However, other errors can be returned in the case where the service
is down or other unexpected factors affect processing. Callers
should always check the value of the ok
params in the response.
Error Code | Description |
not_found | Object doesn’t exist |
invalid_api_key | Invalid API key |
internal_server_error | Internal server errors |
Get Funding Information
Response (200 Ok)
info: {
accountAddress: string;
accountCity: string;
accountCountryCode: string;
accountCurrency: string;
accountName: string;
accountNum: string;
accountPostalCode: string;
accountRegion: string;
bankAddress: string;
bankCity: string;
bankCountry: string;
bankCountryCode: string;
bankName: string;
bankPostalCode: string;
bankRegion: string;
institution: string;
// IMPORTANT: must be put in the memo field
referenceMemo: string;
routingNumber: string;
// potentially other fields depending on the bank
GET /v1/balances/info
Returns the bank account information needed in order to fund the sub-merchant account by bank wire or bank transfer. Note that the referenceMemo information must be included in the memo field of the bank wire or bank transfer. This is used to route the the incoming funds to the correct sub-merchant account balance.
Sandbox Merchant
Sandbox Create
This endpoint works identically to the “create sub-merchant” endpoint but creates sandbox sub-merchants instead.
This endpoint is for creating a new sub-merchant. The new sub-merchant is bound to the parent sandbox merchant used to create it. This endpoint requires that the sub-merchant feature be enabled for your merchant.
// optional - true to generate API keys for the sandbox account
apikey: boolean;
// optional data -- copied from master merchant if not provided
merchant: {
name: string; // Sub-merchants business name
currency: string; // 3 letter currency code in ISO 4217
This endpoint will return a sub-merchant id (alphanumeric guid) and an API key. The API key is important if you’re going to access the sub-merchant programmatically as this is the only time you will be able to get it to make sure you store it in the right place.
Response (200 Ok)
ok: boolean; // true if everything is good
merchant: {
id: string;
accessKey: string; // present if apikey is provided
secretKey: string; // present if apikey is provided
HTTP Request
POST /v1/profile/sandbox
Fields | Description |
apikey required boolean |
Value of true to generate API keys for the sandbox account | required string |
Sub-merchant business name |
merchant.currency required string |
3 letter currency code in ISO 4217 |
Sandbox Delete
To delete a sandbox sub merchant that you’ve created you need to provide the id of the sub-merchant to delete.
DELETE /v1/profile/sandbox
// required -- the sandbox id to delete
id: string;
Response (200 Ok)
ok: boolean;
Fields | Description |
id required string |
Id of sandbox sub-merchant to delete |
HTTP Code | Description |
200 | Submerchant successfully created |
403 | Invalid parameter |
401 | Invalid API key |
500 | Internal error |
This table lists the expected errors that this method could return.
However, other errors can be returned in the case where the service
is down or other unexpected factors affect processing. Callers
should always check the value of the ok
params in the response.
Error Code | Description |
not_found | Object doesn’t exist |
invalid_api_key | Invalid API key |
internal_server_error | Internal server errors |
invalid_field |
Sub-Merchant Bank Account
accountName: string;
currency: string; // 3 letter currency code
bankCountry: string; // 2 letter
branchId: string; // must be only numbers
bankId: string; // must only be numbers
institution: string; // must only be numbers
transit: string; // must only be numbers
accountNum: string; // must only be numbers
enabled: boolean;
Response (200)
ok: boolean;
merchantBankAccount: {
currency: string;
accountName: string;
fileLink: string | null;
completed: boolean;
iban: string; // masked
accountNum: string; //masked
swiftBic?: string | null;
branchId?: string | null;
bankId?: string | null;
bankName: string;
bankAddress: string;
bankCity: string;
bankPostalCode: string;
bankRegion: string;
country: string; // bank country code
enabled: boolean;
Use this endpoint to both create and update the Sub-merchant’s bank account.
The sub-merchant bank account information is used when sub-merchant’s are funding their sub-merchant account balance. It is used to know where the bank transfer or wire will be originated from.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/direct-debit/bank-account/
Fields | Description |
accountName required boolean |
Name of the account |
currency required string |
3 letter currency code in ISO 4217 |
bankCountry required string |
2 letter country code in ISO-3166-1 |
branchId required string |
Must only be numbers |
bankId required string |
Must only be numbers |
institution required string |
Must only be numbers |
transit required string |
Must only be numbers |
accountNum required string |
Must only be numbers |
enabled required string |
If this should be enabled |
Widget Configuration
HexColor = string
// regex: “/^#?([0-9A-F]{3}|[0-9A-F]{6})$/i”
// eg: “#112233” or “112233” or “abFF22” or “#123” etc..
colors: {
primary: HexColor;
success: HexColor;
error: HexColor;
warning: HexColor;
border: HexColor;
heading: HexColor;
text: HexColor;
inputText: HexColor;
inputBorder: HexColor;
subText: HexColor;
background: HexColor;
POST /v1/iframe/config
You can implement the Recipient Widget for sub-merchant accounts in order to capture recipient information directly into each sub-merchant account. Ensure you use the relevant sub-merchant API key when you integrate the widget.
This endpoint allows you to programmatically customimze the colors of the widget for each sub-merchant.
Create Webhook
POST /v1/subscriptions
Adds a new webhook
action: NotificationAction,
model: NotificationType,
target: string, // URL endpoint to send events to
Enumerated Strings
enum NotificationAction {
CREATED = "created",
UPDATED = "updated",
DELETED = "deleted",
// Batch
PROCESSING = "processing", // fired when batch startProcessing() is called
COMPLETED = "completed", // processed with at least one success
// We don't expose Batch.COMPLETED in the UI because
// It overlaps with PROCESSING too much
// Payment
FAILED = "failed",
RETURNED = "returned",
// Batch and Payments
PROCESSED = "processed", // once a batch/payment is processed successfully
// (for batch this means one payment is successful)
// User
PASSWORD_RESET = "password-reset",
// Recipient
COMPLIANCE_CHECK = "compliance-check",
// Batch and Recipient uploads
UPLOAD_RECEIVED = "upload-received",
UPLOAD_PROCESSING = "upload-processing",
UPLOAD_COMPLETE = "upload-completed",
ALL = "*",
enum NotificationType {
USER = "user",
RECIPIENT = "recipient",
UPLOAD = "upload",
BATCH = "batch",
PAYMENT = "payment",
RECIPIENT_ACCOUNT = "recipientAccount",
ALL = "*",
Response (200 Ok)
ok: boolean;
subscription: {
id: string;
action: NotificationAction;
model: NotificationType;
target: string;
Fields | Description |
action required string |
The event that triggered this webhook |
model required string |
NotificationType - description of the model object |
target required string |
URL to send webhooks to |
Webhooks List
GET /v1/subscriptions
Get the list of subscriptions and values
Response (200 ok)
subscriptions: {
id: string,
action: NotificationAction,
model: NotificationType,
target: string,
Get Webhook
GET /v1/subscriptions/<webhook id>
Response (200 Ok)
ok: boolean;
subscription: {
id: string,
action: NotificationAction,
model: NotificationType,
target: string,
Update Webhook
PATCH /v1/subscriptions/<webhook id>
Response (200 Ok)
ok: boolean;
action: NotificationAction,
model: NotificationType,
target: string,
Delete Webhook
DELETE /v1/subscriptions/<webhook id>
Response (200 Ok)
ok: boolean;
Webhook callbacks for Sub-merchant profiles
The format for all webhook callbacks are the same except for the model object returned. Webhook callbacks and their format are explained here:
Merchant Model Object:
interface Merchant {
id: number;
merchantId: string;
name: string;
parentMerchantId: string | null;
status: string;
phone: string;
website: string;
sandbox: boolean;
primaryCurrency: extra.CurrencyCode; // string 3 letters
allowedIPs: string;
allowedDomains: string;
country: extra.CountryCode | null; // string 3 letters
region: string | null;
The “status” field will tell you if the sub-merchant has gone live. The sub-merchant status values can be one of these:
Once the sub-merchant or merchant is “approved” that merchant is live.
enum MerchantStatus {
APPROVED = "approved",
APPROVED_BY_PARTNER = "approved_by_partner",
SUSPENDED = "suspended",
DELETED = "deleted",
PENDING = "pending",
SIGNUP_REQUESTED = "signup_requested",